Wednesday, July 8, 2009

If I bear to, it would be a different story.

(P/S: Its not shanice. Its a girl start with the letter J.)
I hate you so much till I wish you to be torture right in front of my eyes. You don't have the standard nor the ability to affect me or us. But you had significantly demolished the perfect image of him in my heart. I wish you to be dead, but not that kinda a gunshot and you'll be lying flat on the ground. I want you to experience the pain I felt in my heart at that point of time. I thought of the incident even when me and him were at the seventh heaven. Can you fucking imagine the impact on me girl. You totally disgrace us,the girls. you totally drop our title you fucking bxtch, can't you just scram back to your woodlands' dog house. You are merely a dog who takes order from him, but don't you have guilty conscious uh. Even dogs have feelings, don't you. Wellz, you ain't even have the standard to be a dog. Yeye, you're loyal to him, that heartless shit.