P/S: Blogger's being a bloody dog lah,can't even upload pictures. Suckshxt.
Fourth day of school reopen. School seriously is a turned off man. Moreover,recess time was cut short by 35mins.(Usual:around 1hour) N level is getting nearer,whereas N level english oral is just 6days away,while O level mother tongue is 12days away.
Yet Imma still fooling around since school reopen.
I slept throughout all the periods of chemistry.
I took peektures and fooled around with Amanda.C,Chian,Yihuan and Jolene during Express MT period.
I copied Maths' holiday homework during English Period.
I played with the 'shouldering' thingy during DnT period. (hopeigetthiswordright,ifidontjustshutupandpretendimright)
Ohmyohmy,slap me awake please.
I gotta accompany D.Sis to trim her eyebrow tomorrow,
I gotta bring Belle to 23 for a haircut on saturday,
I gotta meet my honeybaby everyday!


C'mon, gimme a hug follow by a kiss,and say you love me!!! Heh :D

It might be alittle happening between us, alittle shaky, but Imma sure we can make it through.
Its not just gonna be 2months,3months. Its gonna be 30 decades, you said that honey.
Make my dream come true, and turn it into a fantasy.
I love you baby, you know it too wellz, isn't it? :O
I trust you, I put my faith in you, don't you ever lemme down.